cover-concert199714.09.1997, Conference Program

« Events to promote Peace »

Brussels, Belgium, the
 13 and 14 September 1997
under the High Patronage of UNESCO
and the European Commission

Palais des Beaux Arts : GALA CONCERT
With: Sister Marie Keyrouz, 
Jean David,
Myriam Fuks, Roby Lakatos, Lama Karta The Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul, The Marivi Choir.
Organization :
Non-Profit-Association OUVERTURES a.s.b.l : Annelie Löhr-Campion


  1. To discover the others by meeting them and by giving the example of openness to dialogue and solidarity.
  2. To create a dynamic process of mutual understanding that will contribute to peace, tolerance and respect for differences.
  3. To touch the conscience in the moments of introspection offered by eminent representatives of the speech, music, and sacred art, and to share the inspiration conveyed by the great traditions.

Non-Profit Association « OUVERTURES » a.s.b.l.

Aspirations for peace remain alive in the heart of mankind.
By combining the strengths of institutions and of people willing to start a dynamic process of sharing and reconciliation, the Non-Profit-Association OUVERTURES has organized for
the first time a series of three activities on the theme "Events to promote Peace":

  1. An international conference bringing together representatives of these traditions to talk about mutual tolerance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and recognition;
  2. A meeting bringing together young people from every religious confession and opinion, with speakers from every monotheistic tradition and cultural background;
  3. A concert bringing together, interpreters of the Sacred Music of these traditions, in a single evening.


There will be no peace in the world without peace between religions, but there will be no peace among religions without the awakening of the consciousness of every one of us.

The "Events to promote Peace" ended with a manifesto that we now call : The Brussels Appeal.

audio100Emission: Radio Catholique Francophone (RCF): "The Weekly Agenda"
interview: Annelie Löhr-Campion, Non Profit Association Ouvertures a.s.b.l., Belgium
by Richard Leidgens
in view to "Events to promote Peace" on 13,14 September 1997, Brussels, Belgium


Annelie Lohr-Campion-pt   Organization :
Non Profit Association Ouvertures a.s.b.l., Annelie Löhr-Campion, Belgium

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Concert de Gala de Musiques Sacrées